Be Still

Be Still

Be Still


A very special friend of mine kept reciting this phrase to me over the last few weeks “Trust the Process”.  Storms, trials, hurt, pain are all apart of life. God never promised life would be easy as a matter of fact John 16:33  states “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you WILL have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Many of us want the promotion without training . It does not work that way. If you walk into a job interview with no qualifications for that position, when the job specifically  states “experience required”. How do you presume the interview will go? It is the same with life!  You pray and pray for a certain thing, new job, more money, husband/wife. Are you really ready for these prayer petitions you’ve made to God?? More money– are you a good steward with the finances God has given you now, Husband/wife– how’s your attitude? Still selfish? Always angry? Always feel entitled?. New job-Do you work as unto the Lord and not man at your current job?. Do you meet the requirements of the prayers you are praying?

Listen God knows us more than we know our selves. He is The Creator! First off God does not owes us a thing! If He never blessed us ever again it should be ok, what He did at Calvary was enough. The torture, the pain, the humiliation He underwent just so we can have eternal life was enough.  But He is such a loving God so He desires to grant your prayer requests. Under one condition-The Potter needs to mold the clay. God is The Potter and we are the clay. He wants you to be prepared for want you are asking. The storms and the trials are not easy but they come to teach us, mold us, help us. Instead of always complaining ask God what  He wants you to learn during this difficult period. God is good! He is not trying to hurt you. Only one person wants to see your destruction. Satan! Psalm 138:8 “The Lord will perfect that which concerns you”.

This storm can actually be an answered prayer! He wants to get you ready for your blessing. I can speak from experience, right before a MAJOR breakthrough a huge storm hits!! Don’t let the enemy speak lies to you that things wont change or God has forgotten about you. Things will change but you have to TRUST THE PROCESS!! He is God! He knows what He is doing! Lamentations 3:25-26 “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly. for the salvation of the Lord”.  Stop seeking temporary solutions for a problem only God can handle. Stop seeking advice from Uncle Freddie and Cousin Sally, Uncle Freddie and Cousin Sally can’t fix their own issues let alone yours!  It hurts God that you would rather posts your problems on social media or call a friend before consulting him. He will lead you and guide you, He will also show you who to call if need be. If you are stuck at a “still” season, pray,  God has probably been telling you to do something  you either missed or heard and did not obey. You will continue to go through the same cycle if you don’t obey. Be Still and know He is God! He is the Supreme Being. Sovereign over all. Let God be God. Just chill.

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