You Are Set Apart

You Are Set Apart

“It is a scary thought to make a forever vow to one person for the rest of your life but it’s even scarier to leave fragments of your soul with every single person you have a sexual encounter with. 

Broken people attract broken people, you attract who you are. When you are emotionally led, you cannot make the proper choices because you are led by feelings and that is dangerous. But there is hope. I just love God! In Galatians 3:13 it tells us “Our curse has been redeemed”, implying repent of your sins and this curse will be lifted off of you. The Bible tells us “You are a brand new creation” once you give your life over to Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). God can wash you, purify you and set you free of any sin. God wants us to honor and protect our bodies not as a form of punishment but as His protection. Obedience unlocks so much favor and anointing over your life. Give me a double portion of each Father!”

This is an excerpt of my featured article on Blogs By Christian Women. Please check it out and read the article in its entirety by clicking HERE


  1. Annecia - February 26, 2017 Reply

    LOVING your CynCyn! Very inspirational and to the point. Don’t stop!

  2. - February 28, 2017 Reply

    Thank you my beautiful amazing friend!

  3. Ayasha - February 28, 2017 Reply

    Yes yes yes, obedience !! Help Me Most High

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